Damascus Livestock
Auction Quotations
Tuesday April 28, 2020
Hogs – Receipts 5 Head
No. 1’s 230 to 260 lbs. $25 to $52
No. 2’s & 3’s 230 to 260 lbs. $25 to $42
Sows 300 to 500 lbs. $20 to $80
Sows 500 to 650 lbs. $20 to $40
Boars $3 to $5
Light Boars $3 to $5
Feeder Pigs – Receipts – 0 Head $10 to $50 per head
Calves – Receipts – 75 Head
Farm calves (90 – 115 lbs.)
Holstein bull calves $20 to $110
Holstein heifer calves (80 lbs up) $30 to $80
Cross bred Calves $100 to $210
Cull Calves $25 and down
Dairy Cows $700 and down
Dairy Heifers $700 to $1000
STEERS (1100 – 1350 lbs.)
Choice $95 to $100
Select $81 to $90
Holstein Steers-Choice $75 to $87
Holstein Steers-Select $80 to $87
Heifers (1050 – 1300 lbs.)
Choice $90 to $93
Select $81 to $90
Cows (1150 – 1850 lbs.)
Good $40 to $62
Boning Utility $37 to $60
Canner & Cutter $35 and down
Bulls (1250 – 2150 lbs.) $63 to $100
FEEDER CATTLE: (300-375)
Steers and bulls $84 to $125
Heifers $60 to $115
Holstein Steers $40 to $72.50
Holstein Steers-light $50 to $78
Back to farm cows $60 to $80
Cow and calf pair $450 to $925
LAMBS: 4 Head
Choice $60 to $165
Sheep $55 to $130
GOATS: 5 Head $30 to $75
HORSES: $650 per head
PONY: $100 per head
DONKEY: $250 per head
Tuesday April 28, 2020
76 Lots
HAY, 1ST CUTTING $2 to $5.25
HAY, 2ND CUTTING $3 to $8
HAY, 3RD & 4TH CUTTING $5.25 to $6.50
ROUND BALES $6 to $30
MULCH HAY $0.10 to $0.35
STRAW $4.50 to $6.50
EGGS $2.25 to $3
CLEAN OATS $4.50 to $6.25 a bag
SHELLED CORN $4.25 to $7.25 a bag
EAR CORN $3 to $6 a bag
CRIMP CORN $3.50 to $7.25 a bag
GROUND FEED $6.50 to $7.50 a bag
WHEAT $4.25 a bag
RYE $4.50 a bag
FIREWOOD $10 to $20
SPELTZ $5 to $5.50 a bag