

TQGIBT meeting

That Quilt Group I Belong To (TQGIBT) will hold its next meeting Tuesday Feb. 18, at 7 p.m. at The Rotary Building at Fair Park on Oak Street in Canfield. The program for this month will begin with a “Musical Fabric” game that will produce projects to be completed by the April meeting. Members are reminded to bring one yard of an unattractive (ugly) fabric cut into 4 pieces, (1/2yd, 1/4 yd and TWO 1/8 yd cuts). For information, call Jeanne 330-507-4672.

GreifShare seminar

Lake Mount Church of Christ, 6290 state Route 7, New Waterford, is hosting a 13-week session of GriefShare every Sunday evening beginning Feb. 23 from 6to 7:30 p.m. GriefShare is a special weekly seminar and support group designed to help individuals rebuild their life after losing a loved one. This group is led by caring people who have experienced grief and want to help others through their difficult days ahead. Cost of the program is $10 to help cover workbook and materials. For additional information call the church office at 330-227-3636.

No Damascus breakfast

The Damascus Methodist Church and Middle Sandy Presbyterian Churches remind the community there is no breakfast this month due, Feb. 15, due to renovations in the kitchen at Damascus. Community members are encouraged to drive by and see the structure addition in place; current work is now inside. The breakfast is tentatively scheduled to return in March.

Creamed chicken dinner

Emmanuel United Methodist Church, 222 W. Martin St., East Palestine, will be holding a creamed chicken dinner on Saturday, Feb, 22, from 2 until 4 p.m. or until sold out. This dinner is a carry-out only. The cost is $10 which includes a Sparkle gift card.

Columbiana County Seniors

Columbiana County Seniors is a newly formed group of individuals over 55 years of age. They will gather for a meet and greet at the Columbiana Public Library on Feb. 14 at 2 p.m. This is an informal outreach to all local seniors on Valentines Day.

Souper Bowl Party

The Friends of the Library in East Palestine will hold its second annual Souper Bowl Party on Saturday, Feb. 8 beginning at 2 p.m. The event will be held in the Community Room at the East Palestine Memorial Public Library, 309 N. Market St. Bring a soup and its recipe to share with attendees. All ages are invited. There will be entertainment and giveaways. Dessert, beverages and paper products will be provided by the Friends of the Library. Call the library at 330-426-3778 to register.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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