United Local looks to add welding to career tech offerings
HANOVERTON — United Local looks to add welding to its offerings within the district’s career tech paths.
During the school district’s monthly board meeting Wednesday, high school principal Todd Huda announced they are looking at adding it to their in-school offerings due to a lack of available spots at the Columbiana County Career and Technical Center.
The demand for skilled, qualified welders is at an all-time high, according to the American Welding Society.
Jordan Williams, who is assistant superintendent at CCCTC, verified the validity of Huda’s statement on Thursday. “(CCCTC’s) welding program accepts 25 students. We average around seven to nine students that will not get into the program because it is full.The majority of those students choose to enter their second choice program with a few choosing to not attend the CCCTC at all.”
Hostetler explained, “(The welding will be) with our Construction Trades program. It is our intent to develop a curriculum for the program, but we wanted to hear feedback from the students, board and community as we explore options.”
Huda said he also wants to continue offering a sign language option as well as increase collaboration opponents for teachers to the benefit of students.
Middle School Principal Frank Baker said that staff and students involved in the student service projects for Christmas chose to do care baskets for shut-ins, which were 100 percent student driven. After doing all the shopping and building of the baskets they traveled on buses to deliver them and carol for the recipients.
For their other student service project, students rose donations for Iris Courtney, a fellow student who was recently diagnosed with cancer. They surpassed their $300 goal, raising instead $2,500.
He said the middle school also is evaluating some curriculum changes and planning for next year, when they move into the new building.
Among consent agenda items, the board:
— Accepted a series of donations to both the district backpack and community outreach programs.
— Approved a Memorandum of Understanding with Kent State University for its College Credit Plus program as well as two cheerleading fundraisers, a father-daughter dance on Feb. 1 and a Sadie Hawkins dance for high school students on March 15.
— Awarded supplemental contracts to Tim Hydrick, varsity girls basketball; Niki Blazer, varsity soccer; Sarah Jones, varsity football cheerleading; Jake Marshall, cross country; David Ogilvie, varsity football; Jason Thompson, varsity boys’ golf; and Stacey Zines, varsity girls golf.
Treasurer Melissa Baker also reported that the district’s attorney has filed for a 30-day extension on the Brian Ames’ legal matter before the regular meeting adjourned after an hour.
Prior to the school board’s regular meeting, a budget hearing and an organizational meeting were held in the high school library. Denise Rhodes was selected board president and Wendy Doyle vice president. Board member compensation will be $125 per meeting for a maximum of 16 meetings for 2025.
Regular board meetings will be held at 5:30 p.m. on the second Wednesday of every month except if the need of an alternate meeting date will arises, then that will be the following Tuesday at 5:30 p.m.
Members approved People and Waggoner as their board legal firm, retained their membership in the Ohio School Board Association at a cost of $5892, and established their board service fund at $10,000.
The Morning Journal was been approved as the district’s official newspaper for all required notices, while the board signed a contract with OSBA for its legal assistant fund consultant service at the annual cost of $250.
A modification was made to the Columbiana County Career and Technical Center’s board rotation chart. Justin Medure’s two-year term was extended to three years, so since he was elected Jan. 10, 2024, it ends one year later than before, or Dec. 31, 2026.
Other board appointments approved include Rhodes, who is delegate to the OSBA annual conference, Athletic Council committee member and Our United Community Liaison; Doyle, who is the OSBA annual conference alternate, CORE team representative and Audit committee representative; Dr. Heather Mercer, OSBA legislative liaison, Buildings and Grounds committee member and student achievement/academic team liaison; Ruth Ann Rinto, acting board secretary in the treasurer’s absence as well as Buildings and Grounds committee member; Medure, Athletic Council committee member.