
EPHS 1970 holds reunion

The East Palestine High School Class of 1970 held its 50th plus one reunion Sept. 4 at the East Palestine Country Club. Fifty-four classmates attended along with 28 guests. Classmates in attendance: from left, first row, Karen Bishop Baker, Joe Chaplow, Barb Keresty, Linda Smiley Bunetta, Cindy Straley Cowan, Terry Henderson Hall, Janice Madden Oliver, Linda Leeson Vilcone, Kathy Haldiman Linville, Debbie Gotthardt Miller; second row, Linda Justison Chaplow, Pat Springer, Karen Botsko Buono, Beth Hughes Liszka, Bobby Mathews Hutchison, Bill Hall, Marcia Dilworth Fruit, Liz Johnston Rinda, Michelle Affolter Parker, Gregg Todd, Steve Todd, Jay Reed, Russ Straub, Sue Figley Mansfield; third row: Peg Mohr Walker, Pat McCarthy, Cyndi Huff Martin, Joe Figley, Barb Jones Clark, Sue Mollenkopf Clapsadle, Vicki Kraus Peterson, Christine Morrison Perdue, Karen Mollenkopf Jordon, Judy Kelvington Hendrick, Susan Musser Smotrila, Fran Mackall Baehler, Justina Freed Macritchie, Joan Wilhelm Beight, Mary Evans Mead, Colleen Lynch Beesinger; fourth row: Tim Blythe, Joe Colella, Gary Evans, Wayne Henderson, Jim Colella, Bruce Walsh, Chuck Clark, Larry Clapsadle, Doug Lammert, Greg Reeves, Don Snyder, Chester Ward, Gary Clark, Jeff Fruit, Mike Mansfield. (Submitted photo)

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